Volume 5

Volume 5 ✦


Letter from the Editors

by ben barry AND alison matthews david


Issue 1


Subspace: An Internal and Liminal Place

By Deanna Armenti

It’s a Black Thing, American Fashion Wants to Understand

By Alphonso Mcclendon

Viral Fashion: Clothing in the 1918 Influenza Pandemic and the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Brigid Trott & Robin Chantree


A Radical Alternative: Pursuing Size Inclusivity in the Indie Sewing Community

By Chloe Numbers

"Privileged Looking": The Politics of Visuality and Countervisuality within Ethical and Sustainable Fashion Movements

By Fizza mir

Khawab – A Mipsterz Collaboration: The Nexus of Muslim-futurism through Fashion, Art and Technology

by Reyhab Mohmed Patel


A Short Introduction to the Film Glove and Touch Studies

By Kerstin Kraft

Clothing Norms in Nigerian Universities: Negotiating Fashion Towards Social Hegemony

By Adaku Agnes Ubelejit-Nte

Beauty and the Packaging Beast: Plastic in the Beauty Industry

By Cassandra sisto, Shelley Haines, and Daniel Foucher

The Fragmented Fashion Body: Mannequins and the Paris Exposition Internationale, 1937

By Paula Alaszkiewicz



Issue 2

Jardines: A Decolonial approach at Fashion and Reconciliation in Colombia

by Andrés López Galeanois, Oscar Cubillos Pinilla, and Diana Carolina Varón Castiblanco

'Fashioning Identity': Exploring psychologic and social implications of wearing fashion in a Grounded Theory analysis of five female "Fashionistas"

By Giuppy d’aura

Representations Created for Women: Marimekko’s Unisex Clothing of 1956–1979 Portrayed in Finnish and Swedish Magazines


A mannequin with a cropped shirt on it next to a garment rack full of clothes.

Sustainable Studio Visit: 3 Women

By Kat Roberts, jeffrey palmer, and denise nicole green

Textile Narratives: Waste as Cultural Archive

By mina keykhaei