Our goal is to annually showcase work that advances, expands, and interrogates the interdisciplinary field of fashion studies.


Submission Guidelines

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Who we are

One thing we know for certain is that fashion studies’ strength lies in its ability to engage with other disciplines. From pop culture to archeology, as a journal that joins the open access movement in fashion academia we welcome innovative work that invokes a critical study of fashion. We encourage multi-media submissions and are excited about diverse theoretical and methodological approaches. We want to help nurture fashion as a fun, creative field of study; therefore we encourage forward thinking, cutting edge submissions.

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Who you are

If you are interested in submitting your work to us, then you are eligible! We are excited to see what you have in mind. We particularly encourage submissions from graduate students, minorities, activists, feminists, and independent scholars. You can submit to us as an individual, partnership or group. However, we do not accept any submissions that include discriminatory, racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful language or imagery.

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Where to submit

All submissions should be sent in online to our e-mail address, fashionstudies@ryerson.ca. Please make sure to include the issue number and submission format in your e-mail title (i.e. Issue 1, Sound Art).

We encourage multi-media submissions.


At Fashion Studies, we believe that there are multiple ways to understand and share knowledge. More importantly, we know that we don’t know everything about how to disseminate academic work; we’re still learning, and we promise to get better and better. Because of this, we currently invite four submission formats: academic papers, creative works, exhibit and event reviews, and interviews. As a mixed media focused publication, a combination of these are also always welcomed. If you have a submission that you feel does not fit these formats, feel free to contact us! We promise to work together to help move your submission forward through the process.

Fashion Studies welcomes multiple citation styles. We look forward to sharing your work in the academic citation style you feel best fits your research, and ask that you clearly state your chosen style upon submitting your work. We are currently publishing work in both English and French. Please see our handy checklist for other important details on how submissions to Fashion Studies should be formatted.


There are four formats to choose from:

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Creative Work

Exhibit & event Reviews




The first section of Fashion Studies will be made up of academic papers.

  • Between 5000-7000 words, inclusive of references

  • Include at least two images and their accompanying captions

  • May also be supplemented with the use of mixed media

  • When possible, please submit papers as Word documents over Google Drive


The second section of the journal will be comprised of creative work.

  • Accompanied by a 1000-1500 word introduction, inclusive of references, explaining the work and situating it within fashion theory

  • Examples: creative writing, sound art, videos, and paintings, etc.

  • When possible, please submit creative work as Word documents over Google Drive


The third type of work we publish at Fashion Studies are exhibit and event reviews.

  • Between 1000-1500 words, inclusive of references

  • Include at least two images and their accompanying captions

  • May also be supplemented with the use of mixed media

  • When possible, please submit reviews as Word documents over Google Drive


Finally, the last section will be focused on interviews.

  • Accompanied by a 1000-1500 word introduction, situating the interview within fashion studies and its relevance to the field

  • At least two images and their accompanying captions

  • Option to include: text, video, audio, photographs, etc.

  • When possible, please submit interviews as Word documents over Google Drive