Core Editorial Board Members

Fashion Studies core editorial board members are a reflection of our larger interdisciplinary editorial board. With half of our core editorial board consisting of Canadian scholars and the other half of international scholars, all of our board members are creative practitioners, historians, curators, and researchers, and represent a wide variety of studies and positionalities. Our core editorial board members’ work intentionally focuses on topics that have been marginalized in academia with disciplinary diversity and EDI principles top of mind, and at least half of the core editorial board will always be made up of BIPOC members of the fashion studies community. 

Our core editorial board meets twice-yearly to advise on high-level journal strategy and direction, develop the content of upcoming volumes, and work as a team to help both increase the number of submissions to the journal and the multitude of audiences reached. Within the core editorial board, one member will serve with a dedicated focus on exhibition and event reviews. An additional core editorial board member will be located at a French-based university, speak fluent French, and will oversee the soliciting and editing of French submissions to the journal, as we move the journal towards bilingual engagement and readership. 

Our core editorial board members are selected through invitation from the Fashion Studies editorial team and will serve for a total of two years. The main responsibilities of coreeditorial board members are focused on assisting the editorial team in sourcing papers, creative work, and peer reviewers. These members have been reviewers for the journal themselves, ensuring that submissions are effectively matched based on theme, discipline, or approach, and that the most constructive feedback can be provided to authors and creators.

Ben Barry

Co-founder of Fashion Studies
Parsons school of design

Chanel Clarke

Exhibition and Event Review Editor
Waitangi Treaty Grounds

Hilary Davidson

fashion Institute of Technology

Ying Gao

Bilingual Engagement and Readership
university of quebec

Nigel Lezama

Toronto Metropolitan University

Alison Matthews David

Co-founder of Fashion Studies
Toronto Metropolitan University

Rita Morais de Andrade

Universidade Federal de Goias

madison moore

USC Roski School of Art and Design