Sarah Scaturro
Cleveland Museum of Art
Sarah Scaturro is a textile and fashion conservator, curator, and historian. She is currently the Eric and Jane Nord Chief Conservator at the Cleveland Museum of Art and previously was the head conservator of the Costume Institute, Metropolitan Museum of Art and the textile conservator and assistant curator of fashion at the Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum. Sarah has curated six exhibitions including “Cycles of Life: The Four Seasons Tapestries” at the Cleveland Museum of Art, “The Secret Life of Textiles: Synthetic Materials” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and “Ethics + Aesthetics = Sustainable Fashion” at Pratt Manhattan Gallery. She has contributed to numerous publications including Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body, & Culture; Russian Fashion Theory; Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty; Fashion, Style & Popular Culture; the Victorian Review; and many others. Sarah is currently completing her doctoral dissertation on the history of fashion conservation at Bard Graduate Center. Her academic work has been supported by The Center for Craft, The Foundation for the Advancement in Conservation, The Costume Society of America, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Cleveland Museum of Art, and her professional conservation work has been supported by The Kress Foundation, The Mellon Foundation, The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution, among many others.
Ann Tartsinis
California College of the Arts & Stanford University
Ann Marguerite Tartsinis is a visiting faculty member in the Graduate Curatorial Practice Program at the California College of the Arts and a PhD candidate in the Department of Art & Art History at Stanford University. Prior to attending Stanford, she was associate curator at the Bard Graduate Center, New York, where she organized a number of design and material culture exhibitions. Her publications include Knoll Textiles: 1945-2011 (Yale UP, 2011), An American Style: Global Sources for New York Textile and Fashion Design, 1915-1928 (Yale UP, 2013) and the forthcoming volume co-authored with Nancy J. Troy, Mondrian's Dress: Yves Saint Laurent, Piet Mondrian, and Pop Art (MIT Press, 2023). She has also contributed to Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body, & Culture, The Journal of Modern Craft, The Winterthur Portfolio, and DRESS: The Journal of the Costume Society of America. Tartsinis is currently completing a dissertation on the relationship between fashion and ethnographic photography during the interwar period and a second article on the work of Japanese-American weaver Alice Kagawa Parrot. Her work has been supported by The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University, The Pauline Brown Fund, The Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, The Mellon Foundation, and the Terra Foundation of American Art.